aoc 2020 – Future Skills

FRIDAY | 25 September 2020

Future Skills – What will be Relevant Aspects of Education & CPD?

What will be the actuarial education (or educations?) of the future? What needs to be changed and what needs to stay in the core? What are relevant building blocks for life-long learning? And how can todays actuaries adapt and stay on top of new developments?


The CERA Credential – Meeting the Future Needs of Actuaries
Nick Dumbreck, Chair CERA Global Association


How Psychology Can Help Actuaries?
Anne-Charlotte Bongard, ETHIME

DevActs – Why Actuaries Should Become Developers
Jonas Offtermatt, Postbeamtenkrankenkasse

Certified Actuarial Data Scientist (CADS) – A Quick and Concise Survey
Stefan Nörtemann, German Association of Actuaries (DAV) / msg life

Lessons Learned – Online Examination and Education in Times of COVID-19
Vanessa Warmbold-Jaquinet, German Association of Actuaries (DAV)