Do you have questions about actuview? Let us help you with our comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions for users, speakers, and partners. Here you will find many helpful information for navigating actuview and making the most of your experience.

If there are any other issues you don’t find addressed in the list, please don’t hesitate to let us know at contact@actuview.com. You can also have a look at our tutorial so get a step-by-step on how to register and how to navigate the platform to find the perfect content for you.


How can I get the CPD points for the videos I watched on actuview?

CPD points are automatically awarded to you as soon as you watch more than 90 % of the video. Your watch process is being tracked by the second and as soon as 90 % of the video’s length are reached, the video will be shown in the CPD Documentation in your user profile. Most associations allow actuview to be used for CPD credits. Please contact your home association for individual guidelines.

How do I download my CPD record?

You can download a PDF file of your CPD record in your profile to claim the CPD points at your home association. The PDF file will include all videos you have watched to at least 90 % completion. You will find your record in your user profile under the title „CPD Documentation.“

Videos that I have watched do not appear on my Watch List.

Most videos on actuview are considered CPD – they can be recognized by the CPD tag in the thumbnail displayed in the listings. However, some videos are promotional and are not tracked for CPD documentation. If you have found a video that is not tagged as CPD although you expect it to qualify as one, don’t hesitate to contact the actuview team at contact@actuview.com.

I have watched a CPD video fully, but it doesn’t appear in my CPD record.

Firstly, when you open several tabs with videos, sometimes tracking may not work. Secondly, please try to clear your cache. We implement new protocols on a regular basis and sometimes old cookies and cache information can prohibit those new routines from working. Furthermore, it is always possible that restrictive firewalls or company VPNs interfere with the tracking. Please try a private network. Lastly, if you have an adblocker, also try setting up an exception for the actuview website to make sure, it is not blocking any cookies that are necessary for tracking the viewing process. While trying these solutions for future watching, we can manually add videos you have already watched fully to your record, so that you don’t lose any CPD time. Please contact us at contact@actuview.com.

Who is eligble to get access to actuview?

Gain access to actuview by being a member of one of actuview’s participating partner institutions. The list of partners includes, among others, the IAA Sections AFIR-ERM, ASTIN, IAAHS, IAALS, IACA, and PBSS, 50 national actuarial associations and all European actuarial associations as members of the AAE. All members of the institutions mentioned above can access the actuview platform without further cost.

I am a member of a partnering association. How can I get access to actuview?

If you are a member of one of these partner institutions, please get in touch with your home association/organization to receive your personal registration code.

I am a staff member of one of actuview´s industry partners. How can I get access to actuview?

If you are a staff member of one of these partner institutions, please get in touch with the responsible department to receive your personal registration code.

I am not a member of a participating association or industry partner of actuview. How can I get access to actuview?

If you are not a member of one of the participating partner institutions, you can easily become a member of one of the IAA sections and access actuview this way. Fill out this form to join a section.

I have a registration code, but it does not work.

If the code is not accepted or otherwise does not work, please send a message to contact@actuview.com to get assistance. If you are already registered on actuview with your current email address, please enter the new code in your profile under “Registration code”.

I am logged in, but all videos are locked and cannot be played.

Your access rights may be expired and need to be renewed. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your home association to receive a new code. If you have already received a new code, you can enter the new code in your personal profile under “Registration code”.

I can’t log into actuview since the website re-launch in May 2021. What can I do?

Before you can use actuview again, you need to set up a new password and accept the revised Terms & Conditions for data security reasons. You should have received an email with a one-time password. If you can’t locate the email, you can set a new password using the „Forgot password“ function on actuview. If you have any questions, please contact actuview team at contact@actuview.com.

Is the platform accessible on a mobile device?

Yes, the platform is optimized for use on mobile devices.

How can I delete my account?

In case you would like to cancel your membership, you can do this by simply clicking on the profile icon with your name on it, then scroll down to `delete account` with a red box then click delete.

The video is not playing, what do I do?

In this case, please refresh your page since this may occur due to the internet surge or too much traffic. If the error persists, then you can contact our support team at contact@actuview.com.

I am logged in, but all videos are locked and cannot be played.

Your access rights may be expired and need to be renewed. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your home association to receive a new code. If you have already received a new code, you can enter the new code in your personal profile under “Registration code.”

Is it possible to search videos by topics?

Yes. To search by topic, simply type a keyword(s) in the search field. You can then narrow the results by category, speakers and the content provider, or event. actuview will continue to refine this feature.

How is content on actuview categorized?

The content is categorized according to the main actuarial fields: LIFE, ASTIN/NON-LIFE, HEALTH, PENSIONS, AFIR/ERM, PROFESSIONALISM, EDUCATION as well as trending topics like risk management, COVID-19 and other related sectors like banking/finance. Each video is designated with one or more of these categories. Content can also be labeled with event categories where applicable. (For instance, each video from ECA 2022 is also designated with the event category “ECA 2022”.) Next to this, tags or key words (such as “machine learning”) can optionally be assigned to videos. Next, each video has a provider such as AAE or RGA.

Is actuview content (e.g., video, webcast, or written) limited to English?

Although actuview’s content is mostly in English, actuview video uploads can be produced in all languages. At the moment, actuview features videos in German, French, Italian, Spanish etc.

Who can access platform content?

Once a video is uploaded, it will be available to all users. There is no differentiation in user categories. However, if your home association is not partnering with actuview you will only be able to access the content published while your association was an active partner.

Can content be restricted geographically using IP addresses?

No, content is available to all regions of the world equally.

Can I stream content from actuview at an event? Does it require the speaker’s consent?

The presentations will be live streamed, recorded and/or archived by the Actuarial Media Center GmbH (AMC) and used unrestrictedly in time, territory, and content in the following manner:

  • Presentation recording can be provided on the internet via actuview and further homepages promoting the event’s content.
  • The presentation slides and any additional information material can be published together with the recording.
  • If other media are presented and used in the presentation (e.g., illustrations, films, language, music), these are free of rights of third parties or may be used free of charge in distribution channels agreed above.

Can platform users share video content from the platform with non-users?

No. Access to non-users is currently restricted to a very limited number of publicly available videos.

Can content be removed once it is uploaded?

Yes, the provider of the content may remove it if they wish. But in general, videos will be available without a time limit.

Who publishes the actunews monthly and event newsletters?

These communications are published by actuview.

Can non-actuview users access the actunews newsletter?

Yes. We encourage all readers to share and forward the newsletters to others, including those who do not use actuview.

How is content uploaded? Who does the uploading?

actuview will upload content on the partners’ behalf. The partner provides brief details about the content on the form that is used to describe the content and measure the popularity of content types on the actuview portal.

What is RGA’s status versus other entities?

RGA is actuview’s only sponsoring partner. The national associations and sections on the platform are partner institutions.

Can actuview support event live-streaming to users?


What is the content access policy for attendees that physically attend an event? Will these event attendees have the rights to access actuview platform after the event?

Suppose the institution organizing the event signs up for a full partnership, access for attendees will be included in the event registration. Access will be available for one year following the event.


How can I become a speaker on actuview?

We are regularly looking for experts who would like to publish a recorded webcast on actuview. If you would like to prepare a topic for actuview, please send an email to contact@actuview.com and include the following information:

  • title of your presentation
  • a brief description of your presentation (abstract) and
  • brief information about you and your affiliation

All speakers who provide content for actuview receive full access to the content for that year.

How do I update and maintain my speaker profile on actuview?

Please contact the actuview team at contact@actuview.com and let us know your username. We will add your speaker profile to your username.

Can content be restricted geographically using IP addresses?

No, content is available to all regions of the world equally.

Can actuview do a live demo to show the site and its functionalities and features?

Yes, a live demo of the website is available. For more information, please get in touch with Martin Oymanns at martin.oymanns@aktuar.de

Is the platform accessible on a mobile device?

Yes, the platform is optimized for use on mobile devices.

How can I delete my account?

In case you would like to cancel your membership, you can do this by simply clicking on the profile icon with your name on it, then scroll down to `delete account` with a red box then click delete.

How do I record a video for actuview?

You can make a recording via PowerPoint, Zoom, TEAMS, or any other web session or video tool available to you. Here is a small guide for your video production.

Is it possible to search videos by topics?

Yes. To search by topic, simply type a keyword(s) in the search field. You can then narrow the results by category, speakers and the content provider, or event. actuview will continue to refine this feature.

How is content on actuview categorized?

The content is categorized according to the main actuarial fields: LIFE, ASTIN/NON-LIFE, HEALTH, PENSIONS, AFIR/ERM, PROFESSIONALISM, EDUCATION as well as trending topics like risk management, COVID-19 and other related sectors like banking/finance. Each video is designated with one or more of these categories. Content can also be labeled with event categories where applicable. (For instance, each video from ECA 2022 is also designated with the event category “ECA 2022.”) Next to this, tags or key words (such as “machine learning”) can optionally be assigned to videos. Next, each video has a provider such as AAE or RGA.

Is actuview content (e.g., video, webcast, or written) limited to English?

Although actuview’s content is mostly in English, actuview video uploads can be produced in all languages. At the moment, actuview features videos in German, French, Italian, Spanish etc.

Who can access platform content?

Once a video is uploaded, it will be available to all users. There is no differentiation in user categories. However, if your home association is not partnering with actuview you will only be able to access the content published while your association was an active partner.

Can a partner re-purpose actuview content and reuse it elsewhere?

Yes, content on actuview can be re-purposed.

Can I stream content from actuview at an event? Does it require the speaker’s consent?

The presentations will be live streamed, recorded and/or archived by the Actuarial Media Center GmbH (AMC) and used unrestrictedly in time, territory, and content in the following manner:

  • Presentation recording can be provided on the internet via actuview and further homepages promoting the event’s content.
  • The presentation slides and any additional information material can be published together with the recording.
  • If other media are presented and used in the presentation (e.g., illustrations, films, language, music), these are free of rights of third parties or may be used free of charge in distribution channels agreed above.

Can content be removed once it is uploaded?

Yes, the provider of the content may remove it if they wish. But in general, videos will be available without a time limit.

How is content uploaded? Who does the uploading?

actuview will upload content on the partners’ behalf. The partner provides brief details about the content on the form that is used to describe the content and measure the popularity of content types on the actuview portal.

Does actuview support static (non-video) content, such as presentations or reports? Which formats are acceptable?

While actuview does support static content, it should be accompanied by, or introduced by, a video or webcast. Videos and webcasts are the primary functions of the actuview portal.

If I am organizing an event and would like to share my event on actuview, what do I need to do?

There are multiple ways to publish content on actuview. Don’t hesitate to contact Martin Oymanns at martin.oymanns@aktuar.de to discuss available options.

Will actuview help promote an event?

Yes, actuview can help promote an event on its social media platforms and on the actuview platform.

Can actuview support event live-streaming to users?


Who hires the production company? Where do we start in terms of logistics?

To inquire about live-streaming production, don’t hesitate to get touch with actuview team at contact@actuview.com.

How is production funded?

Funding is determined on a case-by-case basis.

What if production costs are shared or completely covered by someone else (other than actuview)?

In such a case, actuview would not demand exclusivity.

Will actuview share any revenue made from content or streaming with partners?

Due to our business model for actuview (not for profit), streaming the event will not generate any revenues, so there is nothing to be shared. For more information on production funding, please contact the actuview team at contact@actuview.com.

Can associations or event sponsors incorporate sessions into their public relations (e.g., from keynote speakers)?

Yes, actuview can find models for showing these sessions outside actuview.


How can I become an Institutional Partner?

If you are interested in becoming an Institutional Partner, please get in touch with Martin Oymanns at martin.oymanns@aktuar.de.

What are the benefits of being an actuview Institutional Partner?

The benefits of being an Institutional Partner includes free actuview access for your members / students / employees / clients, which consists of a broad selection of high-quality actuarial content relevant to CPD activities. The partnership must be renewed annually. The fee amount depends on the number of members.

Where can I find introductory, general information about actuview? For example where can I find details on partner benefits and fees?

Please get in touch with Martin Oymanns (martin.oymanns@aktuar.de) for detailed information on the fees and benefits.

How can I support actuview as a content provider?

We depend heavily on the support of many content partners, and we offer various ways to get involved. If you are interested in becoming a partner, please get in touch with Martin Oymanns at martin.oymanns@aktuar.de.

Can associations or event sponsors incorporate sessions into their public relations (e.g., from keynote speakers)?

Yes, we can provide options for showing sessions outside actuview.

Can competitive firms get access to events in which actuview is participating?

Yes, employees at competitive firms may be members of some subscribing actuview associations.

What is the content access policy for attendees that physically attend an event? Will these event attendees have the rights to access actuview platform after the event?

Suppose the institution organizing the event signs up for a full partnership, access for attendees will be included in the entrance fee. Admission will be available for one year following the event.

Can content be restricted geographically using IP addresses?

No, content is available to all regions of the world equally.

Can actuview do a live demo to show the site and how it functions?

Yes, a live demo of the website is available. For more information, please get in touch with Martin Oymanns at martin.oymanns@actuview.com.

Is the platform accessible on a mobile device?

Yes, the platform is optimized for use on mobile devices.

What is RGA’s status versus other entities?

RGA is actuview’s only sponsoring partner. The national associations and sections on the platform are partner institutions.

Where can I find introductory, general information about actuview? For example where can I find details on partner benefits and fees?

Please get in touch with Martin Oymanns (martin.oymanns@aktuar.de) for detailed information on the fees and benefits. 

How is content on actuview categorized?

The content is categorized according to the the main actuarial fields: LIFE, ASTIN/NON-LIFE, HEALTH, PENSIONS, AFIR/ERM, PROFESSIONALISM, EDUCATION as well as trending topics like risk management, COVID-19 and other related sectors like banking/finance. Each video is designated with one or more of these categories. Content can also be labeled with event categories where applicable. (For instance, each video from ECA 2022 is also designated with the event category “ECA 2022”.) Next to this, tags or key words (such as “machine learning”) can optionally be assigned to videos. Next, each video has a provider such as AAE or RGA.

Is actuview content (e.g., video, webcast, or written) limited to English?

Although actuview’s content is mostly in English, actuview video uploads can be produced in all languages. At the moment, actuview features videos in German, French, Italian, Spanish etc.

Can a partner develop videos or other content at events unaffiliated with actuview and then add it to the actuview portal?

No, not unless there is explicit approval from the unaffiliated entity.

Who can access platform content?

Once a video is uploaded, it will be available to all users. Although the technology may allow access, for example for members of one association only.

Can a partner re-purpose actuview content and reuse it elsewhere?

Yes, content on actuview can be re-purposed.

How is content uploaded? Who does the uploading?

actuview will upload content on the partners’ behalf. The partner provides brief details about the content on the form that is used to describe the content and measure the popularity of content types on the actuview portal.

Can subscribing partners upload content to the platform before an event takes place? Can subscribing partners not involved in events upload content as often as they like?

Yes. Content can be uploaded immediately. Regular content submissions are encouraged.

Can content be removed once it is uploaded?

Yes, the provider of the content may remove it if they wish. But in general, videos will be available without a time limit.

If I am organizing an event and would like to share my event on actuview, what do I need to do?

There are multiple ways to publish content on actuview. Don’t hesitate to contact Martin Oymanns at martin.oymanns@aktuar.de to discuss available options.

Will actuview help promote an event?

Yes, actuview can help promote an event on its social media platforms and on the actuview platform.

Can actuview support event live-streaming to users?


Can competitive firms get access to events in which actuview is participating?

Yes, employees at competitive firms may be members of some subscribing actuview associations.

Who hires the production company? Where do we start in terms of logistics?

To inquire about live-streaming production, don’t hesitate to get touch with actuview team at contact@actuview.com.

What are the implications when production is funded by actuview?

The copyright lies with actuview, and the recordings are exclusively presented on actuview.com. However, if an association becomes a member of actuview, members can watch the content at any time and all participants get free access.

How is production funded?

Funding is determined on a case-by-case basis.

What if production costs are shared or completely covered by someone else (other than actuview)?

In such a case, actuview would not demand exclusivity.

Will actuview share any revenue made from content or streaming with partners?

Due to our business model for actuview (not for profit), streaming the event will not generate any revenues, so there is nothing to be shared. For more information on production funding, please contact the actuview team at contact@actuview.com.

Can associations or event sponsors incorporate sessions into their public relations (e.g., from keynote speakers)?

Yes, actuview can find models for showing these sessions outside actuview.

Can subscribing partners delay uploading content to the platform until immediately before an event to avoid undermining efforts to attract in-person attendees?

Yes. Partners can coordinate with actuview to set (and limit) when content is accessible by other users.

What is the content access policy for attendees that physically attend an event? Will these event attendees have the rights to access actuview platform after the event?

Suppose the institution organizing the event signs up for a full partnership, access for attendees will be included in the event registration. Access will be available for one year following the event.