Interview: „Actuview helps researchers and practitioners to stay up-to-date“

With more than 300 views the webcast „The Future of Mortality“, presented by Martin Genz (ifa Ulm / University of Ulm), is one of our most clicked videos.

We talked to Martin Genz about actuview and the reasons for contributing to the virtual program.

  1. You submitted your webcast as part of the “2nd Ulm Actuarial Day”. Why did you decide to participate in this digital event?
    The „Ulm Actuarial Day“ offers a great opportunity for PhD students and young researchers to get valuable feedback on their latest research. The paper presented in the talk is my most recent research project; moreover it is the nal part of my PhD thesis. Therefore I am grateful for the opportunity to collect feedback, which has considerably improved the paper prior to submitting it. What’s more, the „Ulm Actuarial Day“ serves as a platform to make research from Ulm available both to practitioners and other researchers from similar fields.
  2. What do you think are the advantages of this modern way of knowledge transfer?
    actuview helps researchers and practitioners to stay up-to-date with the most recent research. This makes it very easy not only to nd out what other actuaries do in my field of research, but also to widen my individual horizon. I have watched several actuview videos that go beyond my personal eld of research (which is demographic aspects of mortality modelling) and learned many new things.
  3. Do you plan to contribute more content to actuview and, if yes, which topic can we expect next?
    There are two contributions from me online on actuview: Besides „The Future of Mortality“ there is a talk I gave at the ICA 2018 in Berlin called „Extension, Compression, and Beyond“ as a part of the VICA 2018. This presentation covers a paper that has since been published in the Journal „Demography“ and received a Best Paper Award at the ICA 2018. I will of course be happy to present future research on actuview. But as of now, it is too early to tell what the next presentation will be …
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