Latest webcast from our partner RGA: Risk Factors of COVID-19 Mortality

RGA, one of the world’s largest life and health reinsurers, and actuview’s platform sponsor, regularly publishes webcasts covering current topics on actuview.

Now avaiable is „How much do different factors influence COVID-19 versus all-cause mortality risk?“, presented by John Ng, RGA Senior Data Scientist and Actuary.

How much do different factors influence COVID-19 versus all-cause mortality risk? In this actuarial webinar, John Ng, RGA Senior Data Scientist and Actuary, explores the question through a comprehensive analysis and comparison of COVID-19 and all-cause mortality risk factors, including age, gender, deprivation, ethnicity, obesity, diabetes, and a range of other conditions. This incisive study reveals the potential impact on excess mortality, pricing, underwriting, and future implications.