Recapping the actuview Global Partner Event: „Actuaries Expanding Horizons“

Yesterday, actuview hosted its inaugural Global Partner Event in collaboration with platform sponsor RGA and other esteemed Premium Content Partners including Deloitte, Milliman, and msg life. This event featured two exclusive roundtable discussions, where experts from all four partners shared invaluable insights into the pivotal role of actuaries within the life and health insurance industry, particularly in the context of Data Science.

The first panel delved into the ever-evolving role of actuaries and Data Science within the life and health insurance markets. It explored questions such as: Where do we currently stand in terms of Data Science’s integration into the product development lifecycle? What role do actuaries play in this transforming actuarial landscape? And, how can we maintain competitiveness in the era of AI technology?

Subsequently, the experts dived deep into the contemporary understanding and utilization of novel data sources to enrich life and health insurance practices. The discussion revolved around topics such as the current data landscape across the value chain, the active application of non-traditional data in insurance solutions, and the exploration of promising use cases. It also pondered the implications of recent advancements in AI and sought to strike a balance amid these myriad opportunities.

You can now watch both captivating panel discussions with the opening remarks by Peter Banthorpe (RGA) and John Jenkins (Milliman) now on-demand on actuview:

Check out the event