Video recommendations by IAAHS

The IAAHS, created in 2003, promotes and facilitates international exchange of views, advice, research and practical information among actuaries involved with public and private health issues. These issues are divided into eight Topic Teams, which members with particular interests may join to access libraries containing papers, presentations and links, and also to join a forum for exchange of information.

Adrian Baskir, chair of the HEALTH Section, has chosen five videos especially interesting for actuaries working in the field of health insurance:

“Insurance in the 2020’s: The Potential Impact of Technological and Medical Advances on the Industry”
Jan-Hendrik Erasmus (CRO FORUM)

“Impact of Improved Lifestyle on Management of Chronic Disease – Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?“
Sarah Bennett (South Africa) and Tim Noakes (South Africa)

“Pre-funding of Healthcare Benefits After Retirement”
Ibrahim Muhanna (Lebanon)

“Anti-selection in Health Insurance”
Roseanne Harris (South Africa)

“AI in Actuarial Science”
Ronald Richman (South Africa)

You can find more video relating to health insurance here.