XIV Italian National Actuarial Congress

In the last Italian National Actuarial Congress in Rome 2021 a long term project was launched towards the “Global Actuary” attended by 1.210 participants, including stakeholders: Actuaries in particular were always considered to be more involved in the traditional fields (usually insurance and pension) but also in the wider fields, these latter concern enterprise risk management, emerging and systemic risks, new data processing techniques, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, banking, finance, welfare plans, including the supplementary health private funds and the non-financial corporates. Summing up: The goal is to continue to further develop the traditional fields and at the same time to develop the new fields.

15-17 November 2023
XIV Italian National Actuarial Congress
in-person event in Milan, Italy

In the upcoming congress these topics will be considered from the Italian point of view but also looking at the European and international scenarios. The title of the congress is reflecting the above mentioned sujets and goals: „The global actuary for a sustainable world: tradition, innovation and emerging risks“. The congress, as usual, will be open for all interested experts and stakeholders of the industry. Have a look at the full program. Further details are available on the websites: www.ordineattuari.it and www.actuary-isoa.com. Register here!

All international sessions on in English language will be streamed live and exclusively here on actuview:

  • November 16, 2023 | 09.00-10.00
    „The Global Actuary‘s Project in the Italian and International Scenario“
    Charles Cowling, Giampaolo Crenca
  • November 16, 2023 | 12.30-13.00
    „Session IV: „Sustainability in the Insurance, Pension, Financial, and Corporate Sectors and the Contribution of the Actuary“
    Frank Schiller, Giampaolo Crenca
  • November 16, 2023 | 14.15-16.15
    „The Global Actuary‘s Project in the Italian and International Scenario“
    Kartina Thompson, Paola Scarabotto, Inga Helmane, Gabor Hanak, Esko Kivisaari, Stefano Prina, Henning Wergen, Marco Pirra
  • November 16, 2023 | 16.45-18.45
    „The Global Actuary‘s Project in the Italian and International Scenario“
    Lutz Wilhelmy, Daniela Martini, Clemens Frey, Claudio Senatore, Thomas Behar, Rafael Moreno, Federica Zappari, Raffaello Marcelloni
  • November 16, 2023 | 16.45-18.45
    Sessione Parallela (inglese/italiano – english/italian): La scienza nella conoscenza – Science in the knowledge
    a cura del Comitato Scientifico dell’Ordine, CISA, MIB, Università di Trieste, Comitato Regionale Friuli Venezia Giulia

After the event, all recordings from the three-day congress will be published on actuview.